Brand Building

Brand Building

Author Naomi Simson has got the idea in her article: “Brand building through the ‘out of the office’ message,” where she discusses the idea that even the small things count.  her thoughts revolve around the idea that everything you do that is connected to your business is part of your brand building strategy.  That’s why famous people drive limousines and why President Elect Barack Obama shouts, “Yes We Can!”clip_image002

I’ve got a partner – Ken Burnt of Perimeter Wealth who calls himself, “The Happy Tax Man.”  Do you think people remember that?  You’d better believe it!  Are people beating down his doors?  He’s the best tax man around, at the lowest price.  It almost doesn’t make sense, but his brand is getting in touch with and assisting those small business people who are in the trenches day in and day out.  He figures, like we do, that ALL of us can win, instead of the few.

So think about how you can expand your brand…how you can make an ongoing impression on people that they will remember. As Ms. Simson suggests, it could be as simple as your ‘out of the office’ reminder to your voicemail message to a personalized footer.

At Aepiphanni Business Solutions, we are a Small Business Consulting Firm dedicated to serving the needs of small business owners. We specialize in helping you develop strategies for your organization, and are committed to your success. If you have further questions about creating your strategy or developing your vision, please give me, Rick Meekins, a call at 678-265-3908, or email us at [email protected].

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