Business Transformation for Executive Coaching Company

Finding a new path in an old industry

Business Transformation for Executive Coaching Company

Finding a new path in an old industry

Project Overview:

Our client realized that the coaching industry is incredibly fragmented and that the only way to be successful is to find ways to truly set yourself apart. We guided her through the process of creating a new direction for her firm that would allow her to operate from her highest and best space.
Our client ran an Executive Coaching form for several years.  She was struggling to get clients and so, decided to go through a significant rebranding in an effort to connect with her target audience better.  Despite everything having a different appearance, the CEO of the company felt like she wasn’t building the authentic connections in the way that made the level of impact that she wanted to make.  She was the only employee at the company so everything that the company including business development was done through networking, social media posts and blogging. In order for her to make a dent in the coaching world, she was going to need to do something different. She would need a differentiation strategy that would set her apart from other coaches.



Working with the owner, we took the time to really understand her: who she was, what she wanted and how she wanted to show up in the world.  What was most important to her was to make impact.  She had a heart for executive coaching.  She saw that there were many executive who seemed to be running successful companies, but could not seem to manage their personal lives very well. We also did a full analysis of her competitive landscape so that we could get an idea of what other coaches were doing and where she would be able to make an impact.  We discovered that while she was very clear about who she wanted to serve and is very talented in her coaching process, there was a gap between where she was and where she wanted to be that we would be able to address by
  • Helping her to get some of the administrative and repetitive tasks off of her hands
  • Positioning her as an expert in her area executive coaching
  • Helping her to get her Executive Coaching methodologies in front of her target audience
Because of the potentiality of the company growth, we chose to invest some of our resources into the company to ensure that she could get the level of assistance that she would need. In this case, this was a great company with a great product and lots of potential, so this was an easy decision to make. As a result of our research and analysis, we designed a solution set that would ultimately serve to differentiate her work from that of other coaches, and to help her stand out to the audience that she was targeting: her differentiation strategy.  Initiatives we selected included:
  • Authoring a book that would position her as an author in her space
  • Creation of a clear, identifiable cause to help differentiate her offerings in the marketplace
  • Development of a business development strategy, including marketing automation, product/service development, pipeline management, speaking and facilitations, a sales strategy and “lunch and learns”
  • Further targeting of and strategies to reach the desired audience
Additionally, in order to allow her more time to focus on the tasks that only she could do, we provided the following:
  • Development of revenue model,
  • Development of short and long-term strategic plans
  • Outsourced operations management
  • An administrative team to provide additional support for the company and to help drive and implement company initiatives



As a result of our work, the company experienced:
  • Regular development of specialized products and services to serve the company’s expanding client base
  • Impact of more than 1,000 people per year by the company’s branded cause through speaking events, networking and event facilitation
  • Efficient and effective business development strategies have increased marketplace visibility more than 3000% and revenue more than 1000% (estimates based on social media activity and regular client engagements)
  • Online store visibility and inventory for clients to purchase goods and services at any time
  • A global presence (she had clients in other countries along with the US)
  • CEO is now a professional speaker, certified through the National Speaker’s Association

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