You Wouldn't Build on Unstable Ground...

Build a better construction company from the ground up. Construction Operations Consulting will guide and support you through growing a winning construction firm.
Are you ready to take the next step?

Take the Construction Operations Assessment and we will review your results with you for free.

3 Key Services to Secure Your Success

Construction Operations Consulting provides inspired, growing construction firms with the guidance and support to plan for and navigate through the challenges around business growth.  With expert, experienced consultation, firms will have the freedom to focus on what they do best. 

Business Assessment and Analysis

Assessment & Analysis

A deep dive into your business to get an understanding of what conditions exist in order to create strategic initiatives.

Business Modeling and Planning

Modeling &

Understand the strategic initiatives, how the business will operate and what the timeline will look like in order to get there.

Implementation and management

Implementation & Management

Working with you and your team to implement the initaitives and set your company on a path to greatness

Assessment & Analysis

If you are like most business owners, you want to know exactly how you are doing and what you need to do differently.  You’ve spent countless hours working in the business – what are the most important things you need to do when working on the business?

Through a structured process customized for your business, understand exactly where your company stands and what needs to be done in order to continue on the its growth path. 

Construction Management Software Aepiphanni
Financial Management Construction

Modeling & Planning

Just like when you are working on any build, before we dive in and start getting things done, we need a clear understanding of where we are going and how we are going to get there.

The most important question  we want to answer is: how do we create strategic advantage for the company as we go through this process?

With clear understanding of what is needed to be done, we group them into initiatives, prioritize them and develop a plan to implement the initiatives.

Implementation & Management

With clear direction, we will work along with you and your team to implement the plan.  From process engineering, to developing new departments, to create sales and marketing plans and identifying, customizing and installing new software, we are your partner in growth.

We will go the distance with you as long as you need us. When we are done, you will likely have a different business and one that has greater capacity, staying power and growth potential.

Construction Marketing for New Leads

Building a Partnership for Growth

Listen to what one of our clients has to say about our work with Triple Crown Construction.

If you need construction management services, Aepiphanni Business Consulting is the perfect partner for your construction firm. With over 17 years of consulting experience, we are the premiere provider of Construction Operations Consulting, working with small and mid-sized construction companies to help them manage through growth. We are dedicated to helping business leaders build extraordinary companies – ones that are built well, built to last, and built to stand out among their peers.


We do two things: 1) we guide companies on how they can grow their companies and 2) help or take over the work that is outside of our clients’ core capabilities in the area of marketing, finance, software support and recruiting.

All of our work is customized for each client, based on their needs, their age and the size of the company.  A young startup company will typically be less than a growth-stage company with 25 employees. However, we will set up a fixed monthly cost to enable you to manage your finances effectively.

Following a successful project kickoff and planning session, we can normally get up to speed in about 2 weeks.

We will meet with you and go over your requirements.  You can select 1, 2 or all 3 services.  We will do an assessment to best understand your needs, then create and implement a plan.

With nearly 2 decades of experience, a successful track record with construction firms and a commitment to help our clients be more successful, we are an ideal choice.

We are a company that is committed to your success and will always looking for opportunities to improve 

Let's Get Started

Construction Managed Services

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