Don’t Survive the Journey. Live it!

Dr. Dorothy Martin-Neville, an executive leadership coach, discusses the importance of staying true to oneself and maintaining personal values and motivation in the pursuit of success. She emphasizes that success loses its meaning if it comes at the expense of personal relationships and well-being. Dr. Martin-Neville shares her own journey of rediscovering herself and her passion after realizing that she had become unhappy despite her professional success. She highlights the need for individuals to reconnect with their true selves and bring their whole selves to their careers and relationships. Dr. Martin-Neville suggests that working with a coach can help individuals gain a broader perspective and make the necessary mindset shifts to prioritize personal fulfillment alongside professional success.


In this conversation, Dr. Dorothy A. Martin-Neville discusses the importance of self-awareness, values, and personal leadership in living a fulfilling life. She emphasizes the need to align one’s actions with their values and to be discerning when taking on new commitments. Dr. Martin-Neville also highlights the role of a coach in helping individuals identify their strengths and vulnerabilities, and in holding them accountable. She believes that life is a journey of continuous growth and evolution, and that each person has a unique superpower to contribute to the world. The conversation concludes with a discussion on gratitude and the importance of living life authentically and powerfully.


  • Success loses its meaning if it comes at the expense of personal relationships and well-being.
  • Reconnecting with one’s true self and personal values is essential for a fulfilling life and career.
  • Working with a coach can provide a broader perspective and support in making mindset shifts.
  • Prioritizing personal fulfillment alongside professional success leads to a more balanced and meaningful life. Align your actions with your values and be discerning when taking on new commitments.
  • A coach can help you identify your strengths and vulnerabilities and hold you accountable.
  • Life is a journey of continuous growth and evolution.
  • Each person has a unique superpower to contribute to the world.
  • Practice gratitude and live life authentically and powerfully.


  • 00:00: Introduction and Background
  • 03:01: Dr. Maten-Neville’s Personal Journey of Rediscovery
  • 07:52: The Challenges of Balancing Work and Personal Life
  • 10:01: The Dangers of Over-Identification with Success
  • 13:05: The Importance of Recognizing the Fullness of Self
  • 19:22: Living in Alignment with Your Values
  • 23:26: Embracing Life as a Journey
  • 27:57: Discovering Your Superpower
  • 34:05: Gratitude and Authentic Living
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Don't Survive the Journey. Live it!

Dorothy A. Martin-Neville, PhD, speaker, author, consultant/master coach, and frequent radio and television guest, appearing in 9 countries, has been featured on OWN as well as the New York Times, the Huffington Post, NBC, and ABC. In addition, Dr. Dorothy is Past-President of the National Speakers Association – CT and on the Advisory Body of various organizations. 

 A psychotherapist, Dr. Dorothy was in practice for 25+ years, with a six-month waiting list throughout. As a Clinical Instructor at the University of Connecticut Medical School, Co-Chair of the Advisory Board of a multi-million-dollar NIH grant, and recipient of NIH grant funding to research her work, she is a pioneer in CAM in the United States. 

 As the founder of 4 companies, 2 LLCs, a 501c 3, and an S Corp, Dr. Dorothy has first-hand knowledge of the challenges facing leaders in business and in life. As an Executive Business/Life Coach, she has supported leaders from all levels of success, from Park Ave firms, heads of hospital divisions, and entrepreneurs in a small town in Maine. Her focus on Mindfulness, Emotional Intelligence, and Neuro-Linguistic Programming, to develop healthier responses to stress, risk, and life challenges call her clients to far greater success and joy in life and business. Combining her experiences living an orphanage and the housing projects of inner-city South Boston, to living on Anguilla in the Caribbean for 10 years, and so much more, she brings extensive wisdom, knowledge, humor, and experience to the table.  

 Her recognition that mindset and communication skills set us apart with her ability to make the complicated simple, Dr. Dorothy is someone to learn from so that your company, and you, live a life of purpose, personal power, and the realization that anything is possible if you are willing to look in the mirror, grow, risk, and make the changes necessary.  


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