Franchising: Get off the Hopium Diet!

Tom is a Certified Franchise Expert. He was the number one franchise owner of the year with his first franchise concept and failed miserably in his second franchise. The lessons learned from failure is what makes him such an expert


In this conversation, Tom Scarda shares his insights and experiences in the franchising industry. He emphasizes the importance of not becoming infatuated with a concept and instead advises potential franchisees to choose a business that allows them to pursue their passion. Tom also discusses the fear of the unknown that often holds people back from taking the leap into franchising. He explains the franchise investigation process and highlights the significance of visiting the corporate headquarters before making a decision. Tom concludes by promoting his book and offering franchise coaching services.


  • Don’t become infatuated with a concept when considering franchising.
  • Choose a franchise that allows you to pursue your passion.
  • Overcome the fear of the unknown and take the leap into franchising.
  • Visit the corporate headquarters during the franchise investigation process.


  • 00:00 The Biggest Lesson Learned
  • 37:09 Choosing the Right Franchise
  • 38:11 Finding a Business that Allows Pursuit of Passion
  • 39:26 Overcoming Fear of the Unknown
  • 40:23 The Franchise Investigation Process
  • 41:20 Promoting the Book
  • 42:03 Franchise Coaching
  • 43:33 Choosing Uncertainty for Magic to Happen


You can reach him here:
Tom Scarda

Tom is the author of several books, including the number-one bestseller Franchise Savvy. He hosts The Franchise Academy Podcast. He has helped more than 1,700 people figure out if franchising is for them since 2005. Tom has owned and operated both franchised and non-franchised businesses and has years of knowledge and wisdom to share with you.

Born and raised in Brooklyn, NY, Tom was named one of the top 50 business leaders on Long Island by Long Island Business News. Tom’s mantra is “There are no wrong turns, just different experiences.” 


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