Made to Stand Out: 5 Unique Ways the Mindset of the Entrepreneur Differs from Employees in Their Approach to Life and Work

What makes an entrepreneur different than his or her employee counterparts? An entrepreneur approaches his or her life and work with a unique mindset.

Made to Stand Out: 5 Unique Ways the Mindset of the Entrepreneur Differs from Employees in Their Approach to Life and Work

Do you ever wonder what makes an entrepreneur “tick”? Through what lenses do they see the world? The perspective and mindset of the entrepreneur must differ from others in some way, because not everyone is going around starting up businesses—and that’s a good thing, too! We need all kinds of people in this world to make it a better and more balanced place. So, what causes a person to decide that his or her life’s purpose is entrepreneurship?

Entrepreneurs are wired differently than others, and their unique mindset affects their approach to life and work in several ways.

Entrepreneurs are:

· Big Dreamers

· Hyper-Competitive

· Passionate About Ideas

· Life-long learners

· Calculated Risk-takers

Big Dreamers

Entrepreneurs dream big. They believe anything is possible, and love to imagine how their ideas can positively impact the world. Entrepreneurs don’t see the world as others do. According to an article in Entrepreneur magazine, where most people see problems, they see possibilities. Dreaming is the fun part for the entrepreneurial-minded individual. But they also aren’t afraid to back up those dreams with old-fashioned hard work. In fact, the marked difference between an entrepreneurial dreamer and an entrepreneurial doer is the willingness to work hard to see a dream become reality.


Entrepreneurs are competitive by nature. They must be the best at what they do and be able to prove it. Not just to others, but also to themselves. Competition is a healthy part of the entrepreneurial journey. But sometimes, entrepreneurs can take competition to the next level. Their hyper-competitive nature is all part of the package that makes up the unique entrepreneurial mindset. Perhaps one reason for hyper-competition among entrepreneurs is that they tend to be quite possessive of their brilliant ideas. Interestingly, one blog post stated: “You can’t accept simply ceding part of the market to someone else because it’s big. You need to fight for every inch. Every win.” There’s this mentality that “the market is so big, there’s enough success to be had by all.” Although entrepreneurs celebrate when they see other founders succeed, they tend to prefer to be the best in their own market. They like to be the first and best in their niche. Entrepreneurs want their success to be an inspiration for other founders, their employees, and their customers.

Passionate about Ideas

When an entrepreneur is invested in an idea, he or she will “go big or go home” when it comes to promoting it and turning it into a reality. Quite often, these business-minded individuals have so many innovative ideas racing through their brains at once that it’s hard to keep track of them all, let alone implement all of them. Oddly enough, that’s the way entrepreneurs prefer it. Passion is what motivates a successful entrepreneur.

Life-long Learners

Entrepreneurs have an unquenchable thirst for knowledge. They are voracious learners and will identify with scholars and authors whose ideas align with their own beliefs and values, though they are not opposed to learning about differing views. Reading about others’ perspectives only adds to an entrepreneur’s thinking in possibilities: what could be, not simply what is. The entrepreneurial-minded person loves to learn for the sake of learning, not just to get better at what they do, although that is a serendipitous side effect of education. With learning, comes new ideas. In a post published to, the author urges: “…if some idea intrigues you and you want to develop it into a business, dig deeper. Leave no stone unturned to know about that discipline. Read, listen, meet people and equip yourself with the market knowledge.”

Calculated Risk-Takers

Not only is the entrepreneurial type a calculated risk-taker, but he or she is also unafraid to make mistakes that accompany those risks. Entrepreneurs have figured out that a mistake isn’t the end of the world. Quite often, it’s the precursor to success. They truly take on the attitude of “YOLO” when it comes to life (You Only Live Once!). Chin Beckman, CEO and Co-Founder of DSP Concepts, posits that, “Entrepreneurs are not inherent risk-takers, but rather calculated risk-takers.” The mindset of the entrepreneur is adept at weighing the pros and cons of a risk and determining whether it’s worth taking.

In Conclusion

Maybe you have always suspected that you have the mindset of an entrepreneur and reading this post has helped you nail down what you always thought you knew about yourself. Are you ready to take the plunge into entrepreneurship? Maybe you have already started down the path of business ownership, but for various reasons, have hit a few roadblocks on your path to success. If this, is you, our Aepiphanni team would love to guide you through your journey back to realizing your dreams of successful business ownership. You can reach out to us for an initial consultation by clicking here.


Aepiphanni is a business consultancy that works with values-driven entrepreneurs seeking to organize, optimize or expand their business models. Your company’s excellence is our end goal, and we achieve this through our vision and messaging and the implementation of proven, holistic business strategies, thereby enhancing your business’s performance so you can win. Our entrepreneurial, multidisciplinary team works with clients to develop differentiating solutions and provide direction focused on lasting, strategic results. We exist to help our clients CREATE | DESIGN | BUILD extraordinary businesses.

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