Extraordinary Leadership Requires Uncompromising Vision

Extraordinary Leadership Requires Uncompromising Vision

Most businesses were started because the founder had a vision of what they could create and what solutions they could offer their community.

Sharing that vision with clarity and passion with others, in such a way that it compels them to act positively to fulfil that vision, is the secret to a successful leadership vision.

An extraordinary leader pursues their goals, objectives, and visions with a passionate intensity. When a leader walks their talk and leads by example, it’s a demonstrated motivator for the company’s employees.

When leaders share a strong vision, employees flock to it. When you live your vision every single day at work and prove that it’s not just a statement on the wall, then your vision will manifest itself in the work of your employees.

Bonnie Hagemann, a visionary leadership expert and the CEO of Executive Development Associates states in Forbes Magazine that a vision is a clear picture of a positive future state.

Let’s look at a few fundamentals necessary to excite and motivate people to follow you and your vision.

Your vision must:

  • Clearly set organizational direction and purpose
  • Display and reflect the unique strengths, culture, values, beliefs, and direction of the organization
  • Inspire loyalty and caring through the involvement of all team members
  • Permeate all communication at every level of the company, every day
  • Be regularly communicated and shared, not just at meetings and in newsletters
  • Inspire enthusiasm, belief, commitment, and excitement in your team
  • Convey to your team that they are part of something bigger than themselves and their daily work
  • Clearly communicate the reason for why courses of action are chosen, why people are hired, why markets are selected, and why products are developed
  • And most importantly, it must challenge your team to outdo themselves and ensure you recognize their accomplishments.

The more channels of communication you use the better. Engage your team through motivational emails, Instagram, and other social media platforms. Write in on the bottom of every team member email signature. Ensure that your team knows exactly where you are going so that they can help you get there.

As Micheal Mckinney was quoted on LeadershipNow.com as saying,

“The more I imagined what was possible, the more clearly, I could describe what the future might hold in store for all of us. We had to be aligned so that we could find a common purpose as a team going forward.”

Think of some of recent history’s most inspiring and extraordinary leaders, and what would have happened if they compromised on their vision.

Martin Luther King Jr. – Civil Rights Campaigner that changed America forever.

Nelson Mandela – His lifelong fight for civil rights and freedom led him to becoming the first black President of South Africa as well as being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize among other prestigious awards.

Albert Einstein – He helped us to understand the universe, time, light and gravity. His teaching is still being used today to guide physicists to new frontiers and to understand our significance.


The examples above are all extraordinary men having extreme charisma and a vision so clearly communicated to people with such passion and unwavering commitment, that they changed the world.

As an old Japanese proverb quotes: “Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.”

In today’s rapidly evolving world you need to move from being great to being extraordinary if you want to stay ahead of the competition.

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