We are Aepiphanni.

We Build Extraordinary Businesses.

“As a man thinks in his heart, so he is.” – King Solomon, 3rd King of Ancient Israel

We are Aepiphanni.

What has always been important to us as a company has always been who we are – for ourselves, for those we serve and the communities in which we operate. Despite having a global workforce, we are all committed to the same objectives, the same way or working, the same commitment to our clients’ success and building our company to be extraordinary.

Here’s our thesis: We are Aepiphanni.  The trusted advisor for business leaders who are seeking forward-thinking solutions to help them plan for and navigate through the challenges of business growth. Our entrepreneurial multidisciplinary team works with clients to develop differentiating solutions and provide direction focused on lasting, strategic results. Only extraordinary will do.

The Aepiphanni Team

We look for the best and brightest talent from around the world, passionate people who share the values of Aepiphanni: to educate, equip and inspire people to build extraordinary businesses, and to provide the most inclusive set of products and services to help leaders become independent through job creation, building companies, and helping them scale it.

We are Aepiphanni - Our Team

Rick Meekins

Managing Partner

Over the past 30 years I have started a number of companies and consulted for many more across a variety of industries. I am passionate about working with small businesses to help them develop effective infrastructures and strategies that will support business growth.

I especially enjoy working with individuals who are focused on bringing their unique gifts, abilities, ideas, passions and inventions to the marketplace. Maintaining status quo has never been satisfactory for me. Instead, I always strive to make them stand out.

I started Aepiphanni Business Consulting in 2005 to serve the operational and strategic needs of my small business clients. The company incorporated in 2011 and grown to a global team of consultants and support specialists that work with clients virtually and in person. Our entire team loves guiding companies to build extraordinary businesses that are positioned to achieve their long-term goals.

Kris (Cavanaugh) Castro

Leadership Development Coach

Kris (Cavanaugh) Castro

Leadership Development Coach

I'm passionate about helping others become the best they can be! With over 25 years of experience coaching, training and mentoring people in corporate, entrepreneurial, and non-profit environments, I love creating programs that prompt growth opportunities. I am also a published author and accomplished speaker.

The Company:

Aepiphanni Business Consulting

Aepiphanni Business Consulting is an Atlanta, GA-based Small Business Consulting, Implementation and Managed Services firm that has worked with business leaders and entrepreneurs across the country for more than 15 years. It is a subsidiary of The Aepiphanni Business Catalyst Group, Inc. and its family of brands that includes Aepiphanni Business Consulting, WistBooks Financial Management, AepiphCONVRG Digital Marketing, AEPEC Global People Management and other brands.

We provide solutions to small/startup, growing and established businesses that are designed to define and leverage their strategic advantages, build solid infrastructures, identify and overcome obstacles to growth. Our mission is to help business leaders and entrepreneurs CREATE | DESIGN | BUILD extraordinary companies.

We are Aepiphanni - Who we Are

How we are Different:

Despite the company we work with, the underlying premise is to build companies that are extraordinary: those that have a unique market position to serve the needs of their clients.  They are well-run organizations with excellent company cultures, a great product or service, a business model that supports their current and future needs and seeks to incorporate innovation as part of the way they do business.

We find that business leaders of these companies are visionary – seeking to develop solutions that are bigger than themselves and their businesses. They want their companies to stand out in their marketplaces, to serve their clients in ways that create lasting value and tend to make a positive impact on the communities in which they serve.

And we are here to help. We are Aepiphanni.

Who we Serve:

Small Business Consulting Services:

The companies we work with are typically more than three years old with up to 100 employees or $50M in revenue, who are seeking our counsel to help them operate effectively, plan for and navigate through strategic growth. Our business leaders and entrepreneurs are those who are looking for solutions to overcome challenges that keep them from growing or expanding their businesses.

Coaching and Mentoring Services:

We offer coaching and mentoring to entrepreneurs who are building extraordinary companies – by their own definition – who are in pre-startup or early phases through our new venture: the Aepiphanni Centers for Entrepreneurial Excellence or ACE2 (Ace Squared).

Our Commitment

Our commitment is to be the firm that our clients need for us to be, which requires that we are transparent in our dealings, open in our communications and straightforward with our recommendations.

At Aepiphanni, our purpose is to help business leaders build extraordinary companies . This is woven into the very fabric of what we do. If you seek to DESIGN | CREATE | BUILD an extraordinary company, we are here to serve you.

We are Aepiphanni.

Our Values


Our mission is to be our clients’ trusted advisors, consulting and working with them to create, design and build distinctive, vision-oriented organizations, while building an entrepreneurial consultancy on the foundation of expertise, client value, integrity, innovation and commitment to our clients’ enduring success.

We are Aepiphanni - Our Mission


Our vision is multi-faceted:

1. To be a leading source of expertise and support for small business who are seeking to build businesses that are extraordinary.

2. To provide an inclusive set of services for businesses to be able to launch and grow with confidence

3. To build a multinational corporation that empowers people around the globe who are impacted by us to be self-sufficient through the success of their own business, providing jobs for other people at their companies or by our ability to employ people around the world for us and our clients.

4. To make a substantial, positive and long-lasting impact in the communities wherein the Aepiphanni family of brands has a presence


We hold to a strong set of values that is evident in how we work, what we produce, and our relationships with each other and with clients:

We will operate a profitable, growth-oriented company that seeks to provide the most inclusive set of products and services to small businesses.

We will seek to provide excellent client support and client service first.

Every decision that is made for our clients will be value-based with a demonstrated return on investment.

We will always do those things that have value for God, family, community, business and ourselves, and avoid things that diminish this value.

We will provide an environment where every member of the organization has the right and the resources to work hard, play hard and be fulfilled.

We foster and environment for independent thinking, collaboration and operation at the highest integrity and character at all times.

We will always strive to provide the highest level of service, provide the best products and services, honor our clients and their interests, charge what we are worth and know when to walk away in order to remain fair for all.

We are Aepiphanni.

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