One of Our Many Happy Clients! TCC – A Client Success Story

One of Our Many Happy Clients! TCC – A Client Success Story

There’s nothing like experiencing a win-win with a client – especially when it contains transformational results.

Our TCC story started several years ago when the CEO of Triple Crown Construction expressed a desire to grow his company in a way that allowed him to oversee operations and reorganize the business by developing an expanded team that could manage day-to-day responsibilities.

We began by examining every area of their business including standard operating procedures, company culture, roles and responsibilities of each team member, online presence, business development initiatives, and more. Our analysis provided an overview of all the things they were doing well, along with several areas of improvement.

After a conversation to discuss the information we gained from that analysis, the CEO chose to invest in our Business Transformation program which is designed to drive growth through the following initiatives:

  • Process engineering to improve consistency of both field and office operations
  • Redesigned the operational architecture to support a larger workforce
  • Implemented recruiting program, onboarding program, training, and performance reviews to improve team member productivity and retention
  • Select, customize, and implement several software solutions to streamline operations reduce amount of physical paper that needed to be utilized.

As we began working with TCC, we saw opportunities to improve process engineering, process automation, and systems integration, which optimized the way they served their clients and how they ran their daily business operations. Another benefit they experienced was that efficiencies between company departments increased due to creating standardized procedures.

Next, we reduced their turnover by improving their recruiting and onboarding initiatives. To enhance team cohesion and performance, professional development workshops and coaching programs were delivered along with designing new employee and team performance reviews. In addition, several staff were reassigned to areas more aligned with their skills or promoted into higher levels of responsibility.

Finally, their online presence got a well-needed makeover including their website, new branding, and enhanced logo.  We also developed a comprehensive marketing strategy to showcase their business as an innovative thought-leader within their industry. Business development strategies were also enhanced with online, digital, and print initiatives.

The win for TCC is that their internal staff grew from six people to more than twenty within three years, to support revenue which increased from below $9M to over $20M and allowed the company to be listed as one of the fastest growing companies in America (Forbes 5000). The win for Aepiphanni was doing what we love best: Helping our clients to create, design, and build extraordinary companies. Here is a description of TCC’s Business Transformation experience in their own words:

The Aepiphanni team has been instrumental in the growth of Triple Crown. By examining all aspects of our company from our social media presence to our filing system, they found ways maximize our efficiency while maintaining our unique essence. The team stayed with us every step of the way from guiding us in the selection and implementation of new software to developing new internal processes. They produced clear and concise documentation and intimately worked with each and every employee to ensure they were set for success. They genuinely care about their clients, and it shows.” – Leadership Team at Triple Crown Construction

Have you been thinking about organizing, optimizing and/or expanding your business operations? Click on this link to register for a complimentary Coffee & a Consult and learn more about what Business Transformation would do for your company.


Kris Cavanaugh Castro is the People Development Coach at Aepiphanni, the trusted advisor for business leaders who are seeking forward-thinking solutions to help them plan for and navigate through the challenges of business growth.  Kris has over 25 years of coaching, training, and mentoring leaders to greater success; and she periodically writes about leadership development and facilitates change management conversations.

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