Construction Firm: Organizational Transformation

Construction Firm: Organizational Transformation

Project Overview:

The owner wanted to reorganize the company, where he was the central business producer, and turn it into an organization that had great value independently of him. His goal was to scale this business in a way that allowed him to work on other projects of interest.
We were contacted by the new owner of a small construction firm that had been in business for a number of years. The company had a history of success, but the owner was ready to take it to the next level.  The owner wanted to reorganize the company, where he was the central business producer, and turn it into an organization that had great value independently of him. His goal was to scale this business in a way that allowed him to work on other projects of interest.



After analyzing the business, we saw that the company was doing a lot of things right. It was early 2010s and there were a lot of great opportunities in the industry. One of the biggest challenges was that the company didn’t have clear definition. For instance, their website was good and talked about a lot of things but none of it really helped the organization stand out in the marketplace. They didn’t have a social presence and lacked a real clear brand. Moreover, we saw that the company lacked standard processes and suffered from a high turnover. They were either attracting the wrong people or didn’t make it easy for the right people to get on board and get involved in the organization easily. Our analysis revealed that the corporate culture was very much “family like”, which had its pros and cons. On the downside, there were many relationships in the organization that kept beneficial decisions from being made.
Our assessment showed that our role should not really be to change the business model. Instead, we had to optimize their processes, help them run the company better and position it for growth. So, we designed systems and processes to help the client essentially normalize the organization. The idea was to guide the client into enhancing the efficiency of the organization across multiple disciplines of the company.



We decided to implement a phased approach, with our initial focus on stabilizing company operations. Five key areas were identified for our work: Management, Human Resources, Production, Finance, and Sales & Marketing / Business Development. We looked where technology could have an impact and where innovation could make it easier for the organization to track key performance indicators. Our work created opportunities within the client organization for new people to enter and take on leadership roles. We developed a leadership program which was very well received. In addition, a training program was implemented that slashed the high turnover and helped a new crop of the best people to join the company and quickly start contributing to its productivity. We also crafted compelling marketing collateral and began identifying new targets for the client. As we improved various areas of this organization, it helped us show our own expertise in a variety of business consulting categories. As a result of what we were able to CREATE|DESIGN|BUILD, the client enjoyed the following results:
  • Enhanced efficiency across the organization
  • Higher staffer revenue (50% to 75%)
  • CRM in place, augmenting business growth
  • Positioned for excellent growth in the next year
  • Getting ready to launch new products
  • Gearing towards acquiring other businesses

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