Call of the Entrepreneur

Call of the Entrepreneur

Call of the Entrepreneur looks like an interesting movie that discusses these and other topics. Determine where you fit. What struck a nerve with me, however, is the idea that while many enter the marketplace with the goal of domination, where someone wins and someone loses, the reality is that there is room in the marketplace to present our new and unique positions to expand the marketplace to support unique offerings to a distinct market segment. So, which is stronger…one of us or all of us? Enjoy.

At Aepiphanni Business Solutions, we are dedicated to serving the needs of small business owners. We specialize in helping you develop strategies for your organization, and are committed to your success. If you have further questions about creating your strategy or developing your vision, please give me, Rick Meekins, a call at 678-265-3908, or email us at [email protected].

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