Celebrating Women’s Day: #ChoosetoChallenge

Celebrating Women’s Day: #ChoosetoChallenge

Celebrating Women’s Day: #ChoosetoChallenge

This year’s International Woman’ Day prompts people to ask themselves this question: How are you celebrating women, regardless of background, race, age or status?

In a time when inequality is apparent everywhere, how are you supporting and empowering inclusivity?

For International Women’s Day 2021, the theme is #ChoosetoChallenge and it’s an effort to push companies, societies and organizations to be more inclusive. It prompts everyone to ask themselves how they’re challenging and calling out gender inequality and racial bias.

As a global team, this inspired some of the women of the Aepiphanni team to give their own statements on what they’re each rising up against and how they fight for equality in their own way:

“I address inequalities in women by sharing scriptwriting workshops in marginalized urban and rural communities where women can tell their stories on their own terms.”

– Maria Berns, Content Writer

“Acknowledge every woman and their rights. Acknowledge black, LGBT, transwomen. Respect, support, fight for these women.”

– Diana Barrios, Research Analyst

“Showing respect towards the people around me regardless of their conditions, gender, color, preferences.”

– Juana De La Hoz, Creative Director

“I rise up against inequality by choosing my friends and team members no matter their race, sexual orientation, or gender.”

–  Ingrid Ahumada, Partner – Business Operations

“I rise up against gender inequality and racism by giving everyone a chance to speak their own mind. Here to support and uplift everyone.”

– Bea Sanchez, Content Writer

Here in Aepiphanni, we’ve always made an effort to work with people regardless of their race or gender. As long as they do their job well, can contribute to the richness of our company culture, and are eager to help our clients build extraordinary companies, then we believe that they will be able to deliver.

We challenge other companies to do the same and to give equal opportunity to everyone.



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