Notes from the show...
The phrase, “New year, new opportunities to embrace change” is something that perfectly fits the 11th episode of Aepiphanni’s Off the Cuff! You’ll get an inside look into the whole Aepiphanni rebranding process and what pushed the company to go through this change after having the same branding for 15 years.
You’ll also learn more about how the rebranding represents the company’s development as a whole, and why you should embrace the fact that growth is actually a journey and not a linear process.
Join the giveaway: Tell us all about your rebranding story and you’ll be one of the lucky winners of the new Aepiphanni hoodie! DM us on @aepiphanni on Instagram or email us at [email protected].
Deadline to submit your entries is on March 20, 2021, and we’ll reveal the winner by the end of March!
Check out the new branding and website:
In this episode:
- On Aepiphanni’s rebranding and how it represents the company’s mission
- The whole branding process and accepting changes
- On expanding to other countries and being open to opportunities
- How Aepiphanni’s internal growth shined through the rebrand
- How trusting specific processes to the experts can contribute to your company’s growth
- Advice to companies who are going through their own transformation