Notes from the show...
Nicole Greer is the owner of Vibrant Coaching and Consulting and has more than 20 years of coaching experience. In this episode, Nicole discusses the importance of vibrancy in leadership, the influence of daily habits in leadership, and the impact of accountability between leaders and employees.
Learn more about her exciting path to Entrepreneurship and her coaching methodology in Off the Cuff season 2, episode 2!
In this episode:
- Learn what “vibrancy” means in a leadership role.
- Learn why accountability is the job of leadership.
- Vibrant people have the energy to figure things out. They don’t wait around for others to tell them how to get started.
- Nicole discusses how leaders need to do self-assessments on a routine basis, to keep their egos in check.
- Leaders need to determine their personal vision and mission statement.
- The tilt model assessment and why it’s important for every leader to take it.
- Learn about Nicole’s coaching methodology S.H.I.N.E. and how leaders can apply it in their business
- Being conscious about your daily habits and the effect they have on your leadership role.