Notes from the show...
Terrell Varnes is the co-owner and music director of WBP Radio in Atlanta, GA. His radio station plays the best of inspirational hip hop and R&B music. In this episode Terrell discusses his love of music, brand marketing and maintenance, and his passion for impacting and influencing other artists in the industry.
Learn more about his passion for music and career in Off the Cuff season 2, episode 3!
In this episode:
- Terrell discusses how being in the hospital because of Covid was a time of spiritual awakening for him. Most people would see it as a bad thing, but he said God used it in his life to grow him in new ways.
- He emphasizes that by understanding your purpose, you can create opportunities for yourself.
- A conversation around how he promoted his brand and maintained that brand presence.
- What it’s like being a DJ.
- The importance of not putting all your eggs in one basket as an entrepreneur. How to hustle and have three or four jobs going at once to always have a steady stream of income.
- Your clients’ success is a reflection of your success.
- Maintaining humility in the industry.