Notes from the show...
Kirk Gimenez, who was a Venezuelan immigrant and the first ever Latino to anchor in English for ESPN, shares with listeners the leap he took in starting Xizzle TV (a platform for raising up underrepresented voices).
It wasn’t always easy but the reward of pursuing his passion has made it all worth it. From learning the entrepreneurial spirit to getting a business off the ground with his own money, Kirk’s clarity for this project is what keeps him going. For him, it’s about embodying, embracing, and representing those minority stories, and giving them a platform to shine.
Xizzle TV is a FREE smart TV app on Roku and Amazon Fire that makes TV in English for Latinos & all minorities.
Kirk is a network anchor (formerly with ESPN & SNY), Two-time Emmy Winner, TV host and Executive Producer.
You can reach out to him here:
Instagram: @kirkgimenez